Use this pop-up menu to move quickly to different sections within the help window. Use this button to save the help window text as a TeachText document. Use this command to display the help window. Not available now because the help window is already active. Use this command to display the help window. Shows the time of the latest conditions reported. Shows a graphical representation of the current conditions such as "Sunny", "Partly Cloudy", "Rain", etc. Shows the current relative humidity. Shows the current wind speed and direction. The arrow points in the direction from which the wind is blowing. Set units in Preferences. Barometer shows the current atmospheric pressure. Set range and units in Preferences. Thermometer shows the current temperature. Set range and units in Preferences. Use this command to show the help window. Not avaiable now because the help window is already active. Use this command to show the help window. Use this command to set preferences for connections and display. Use this command to show the forecast window. Not available now because the forecast window is already active or there is no weather window open. Use this command to show the forecast window. Use this command to get the most recent weather information. Not available now because a connection could not be established. Use this command to gets the most recent weather information. Use this menu to do specialized actions. Not available now because no text is selected. Use this command to delete the selected text. Not available now because the Clipboard is empty. Use this command to paste text from the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected. Use this command to copy the selected text to the Clipboard. Not avaiable now because no text is selected. Use this command to cut the selected text to the Clipboard. Not available now. Only editing changes can be undone. Use this command to undo your last edit. Not available now because this document cannot be changed. Use this menu to manipulate text. Use this command to quit MacWeather. Use this command to close the current window. Not available now becuase there are no windows open. Use this command to close the current window. Use this command to bring up a new weather window. Not available now because the weather window is already open. Use this command to bring up a new weather window. Use this menu to open and close windows or to quit the program. This command is not available. Respond to the dialog box. This menu is not available. Respond to the dialog box. Use this command to get information about the people who made this program possible.